Diagnostic Tests For Identifying Back Pain: What To Expect

If you’re dealing with back pain, you’re not alone. It’s a common issue that affects millions of people worldwide. But how can you determine the cause of your back pain and find the right treatment? Diagnostic tests play a crucial role in identifying the underlying problem and providing an accurate diagnosis. In this article, we’ll explore the different diagnostic tests available for identifying back pain and give you a sneak peek into what to expect during the process. So, sit back, relax, and let’s dive into the world of diagnostic tests for back pain.

Physical Examination

During a physical examination for back pain, your healthcare provider will gather important information about your medical history, observe your physical appearance, assess your range of motion, evaluate your muscle strength, test your reflexes, and check your sensation. This comprehensive examination helps in determining the cause of your back pain and guides further diagnostic tests and treatment plans.

Medical History

The medical history portion of the examination involves discussing your symptoms, any previous injuries or surgeries, and any underlying medical conditions you may have. This information helps your healthcare provider understand the possible causes of your back pain and identify any risk factors that may contribute to your condition.


Observation is a crucial part of the physical examination. Your healthcare provider will visually analyze your posture, gait, and overall physical appearance. This can provide valuable insight into potential underlying conditions or structural abnormalities that may be contributing to your back pain.

Range of Motion

Assessing your range of motion involves the evaluation of your ability to move your spine in different directions. This may include forward bending, backward bending, side-to-side bending, and rotation. Your healthcare provider will carefully observe any limitations or pain experienced during these movements to help determine the source and severity of your back pain.

Muscle Strength

Testing your muscle strength is important in identifying any weakness or imbalance that may be associated with your back pain. Your healthcare provider will ask you to perform specific movements while applying resistance to assess the strength of your back and core muscles. Weakness or asymmetry in muscle strength may indicate a muscular or neurological problem that requires further investigation.


Reflex testing involves assessing the involuntary responses of specific muscle groups when stimulated. Your healthcare provider will gently tap certain tendons with a reflex hammer to observe your body’s reflexive muscle contractions. Changes in reflex responses can provide valuable information about potential nerve-related issues that may contribute to your back pain.


Evaluating your sensation involves testing your ability to feel light touch, pinprick, and vibration in different areas of your body. Your healthcare provider may use various instruments or techniques to assess sensory disturbances that could indicate nerve compression or damage related to your back pain. This information helps in diagnosing the location and severity of the nerve involvement.

Imaging Tests

In addition to the physical examination, various imaging tests may be performed to obtain detailed images of your spine and surrounding structures. These tests can provide important diagnostic information and help guide appropriate treatment plans.

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X-rays are commonly used to visualize the bones in your spine. This imaging test can identify fractures, tumors, infections, or other abnormalities that may be causing your back pain. X-rays are quick and painless, involving the use of low levels of radiation to produce images.

Computed Tomography (CT) Scan

A CT scan combines X-ray technology with computer processing to create detailed cross-sectional images of your spine. This imaging test provides a more comprehensive view of your bones, spinal discs, and surrounding soft tissues. CT scans are particularly useful in identifying spinal fractures, degenerative changes, or spinal stenosis.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

MRI uses powerful magnets and radio waves to produce highly detailed images of the structures in your spine. It provides excellent visualization of soft tissues, such as spinal discs, nerves, and ligaments. MRI is particularly useful in identifying conditions like herniated discs, spinal cord compression, or infections that may be contributing to your back pain.

Bone Scan

Bone scans are useful in detecting areas of increased bone activity or abnormalities. A small amount of radioactive material is injected into your bloodstream, which gets absorbed by areas with higher bone turnover or inflammation. These areas can be indicative of tumors, infections, or other conditions contributing to your back pain. The radioactive material emits signals that are captured by a special camera, producing images that highlight areas of concern.

Diagnostic Tests For Identifying Back Pain: What To Expect

Laboratory Tests

Laboratory tests for back pain aim to evaluate specific markers in your blood that may indicate inflammation, infection, or systemic conditions that could be related to your symptoms. These tests can help in confirming or ruling out certain diagnoses and guiding further treatment options.

Complete Blood Count (CBC)

A complete blood count measures the levels of different blood cells, including red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Abnormalities in these cell counts may indicate an infection, anemia, or a systemic inflammatory condition that could contribute to or be associated with your back pain.

Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)

The ESR test measures the rate at which red blood cells settle in a tube of blood. This test is a general indicator of inflammation in the body and can help in assessing the presence and severity of an underlying autoimmune or inflammatory disorder contributing to your back pain.

C-reactive Protein (CRP)

CRP is a marker of inflammation in the body and can be measured through a blood test. Elevated CRP levels suggest the presence of inflammation, infection, or other conditions that may be contributing to your back pain. This test, combined with other assessments, can help in diagnosing and monitoring the progress of certain inflammatory diseases.

Rheumatoid Factor (RF)

The rheumatoid factor test measures the presence of specific antibodies in your blood that are associated with autoimmune conditions like rheumatoid arthritis. Testing for RF can help in diagnosing underlying rheumatologic diseases that may be causing or contributing to your back pain.

Antinuclear Antibody (ANA)

The ANA test detects the presence of autoantibodies that target components of the cell nucleus. The presence of ANA in your blood may indicate an autoimmune condition, such as systemic lupus erythematosus or ankylosing spondylitis, which can cause back pain. This test helps in identifying potential autoimmune factors contributing to your symptoms.

HLA-B27 Test

The HLA-B27 test detects a specific protein on the surface of white blood cells. Its presence is associated with several autoimmune conditions, including ankylosing spondylitis and reactive arthritis. A positive HLA-B27 test result, combined with other clinical findings, can help in diagnosing certain inflammatory disorders that may be causing your back pain.

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Nerve Conduction Studies

Nerve conduction studies assess the function and health of the nerves in your body. These tests can help in identifying nerve-related issues that may contribute to your back pain.

Nerve Conduction Velocity (NCV)

NCV measures the speed at which electrical impulses travel through your nerves. During the test, electrodes are placed on your skin, and small electrical pulses are applied to stimulate specific nerves. The time it takes for the electrical signal to travel from one electrode to another provides information about the health and integrity of the nerves. Abnormal NCV results may indicate nerve damage or compression that could be related to your back pain.

Electromyography (EMG)

EMG measures the electrical activity in your muscles. This test involves the insertion of fine needles into specific muscles to evaluate muscle activity at rest and during contraction. By analyzing the electrical patterns recorded, your healthcare provider can assess for muscle or nerve abnormalities that may be contributing to your back pain. EMG is particularly useful in diagnosing conditions like herniated discs or pinched nerves.

Diagnostic Tests For Identifying Back Pain: What To Expect


Discography is a diagnostic test that assesses the integrity and pain response of the intervertebral discs in your spine. This procedure helps in identifying painful discs that may require further intervention.


During discography, a contrast dye is injected into one or more discs in your spine. Before the injection, you may receive local anesthesia to numb the area and a sedative to help you relax. The dye allows the healthcare provider to visualize the discs more clearly using fluoroscopy or X-ray guidance.

Contrast Injection

The contrast dye is injected into the chosen disc(s), and you may be asked to rate your pain levels during the injection process. This helps in determining if the disc(s) being tested are the source of your pain.

Post-procedure Care

After discography, you may experience temporary soreness at the injection site for a few days. Your healthcare provider will provide instructions on how to manage any discomfort and when you can resume normal activities. The results of the discography will guide further treatment decisions, such as surgical interventions or targeted therapies.

Bone Density Test

A bone density test, also known as dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA), measures the strength and density of your bones. Although not directly related to back pain, this test can help identify osteoporosis or low bone mass, which can increase the risk of vertebral fractures and contribute to back pain.


During a DEXA scan, you lie on a table while a machine scans specific areas of your body, typically the spine, hips, or wrist. The test is painless, quick, and exposes you to minimal radiation. The results are usually reported as T-scores, which compare your bone density to that of a healthy young adult.

Interpretation of Results

Your T-score determines the strength and health of your bones. A score of -1 and above is considered normal, while a score between -1 and -2.5 indicates osteopenia (low bone mass). A T-score of -2.5 or lower suggests osteoporosis. These results can help guide preventive measures and treatment options to reduce the risk of fractures and manage back pain associated with bone weakness.

Provocative Tests

Provocative tests involve injecting medication into specific joints or structures in your spine to identify the exact source of your pain.

Facet Joint Injection

Facet joint injections involve the injection of a local anesthetic and a corticosteroid into the small joints located on the sides of your vertebrae. These injections help in determining if these joints are contributing to your back pain by providing temporary pain relief. If the injection provides significant pain relief, it suggests that the facet joints are the source of your pain.

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Sacroiliac Joint Injection

Sacroiliac joint injections involve the injection of a local anesthetic and a corticosteroid into the sacroiliac joints, located between the sacrum and the ilium of your pelvis. These injections can confirm if the sacroiliac joints are causing your back pain by temporarily reducing or eliminating the pain. Positive results from this test indicate the involvement of the sacroiliac joints as a potential source of your pain.

Blood Tests for Inflammation

Blood tests for inflammation help in assessing the presence and severity of inflammatory processes that may be contributing to your back pain.

Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)

The ESR blood test measures the rate at which red blood cells settle in a tube of blood, indicating the presence of inflammation in the body. Elevated ESR levels suggest the possibility of an underlying autoimmune or inflammatory condition contributing to your back pain.

C-reactive Protein (CRP)

CRP is a protein produced by your liver in response to inflammation. Elevated CRP levels in your blood can indicate the presence of inflammation, infection, or certain conditions associated with back pain. Combined with other clinical assessments, CRP measurement can help guide the diagnosis and monitoring of inflammatory diseases.

Lumbar Puncture

A lumbar puncture, also called a spinal tap, is a procedure used to collect and analyze cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), the fluid surrounding your brain and spinal cord. While not primarily used for diagnosing back pain, it can be used to evaluate certain conditions that may be causing or contributing to your symptoms.


During a lumbar puncture, you will lie on your side, and the healthcare provider will insert a thin needle between two lower vertebrae in your lower back. A small amount of CSF is withdrawn and sent to the laboratory for analysis. Local anesthesia is typically used to minimize discomfort during the procedure.


A lumbar puncture may be indicated if your healthcare provider suspects an infection of the central nervous system, such as meningitis or spinal tuberculosis, or to assess conditions such as multiple sclerosis or certain types of cancer involving the central nervous system. By analyzing the CSF, your healthcare provider can obtain valuable information to guide further diagnostic and treatment decisions.

Post-procedure Care

Following a lumbar puncture, you will be advised to lie flat for a specific period to prevent potential complications like headaches. Your healthcare provider will provide instructions on post-procedure care, which may include avoiding strenuous activities and increasing fluid intake. Any discomfort experienced after the procedure can usually be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers.


Ultrasound imaging uses sound waves to produce real-time images of the structures inside your body. While not commonly used as a primary diagnostic tool for back pain, ultrasound can provide valuable information in certain situations.


During an ultrasound, a small handheld device called a transducer is moved over your skin, emitting and receiving sound waves that create images on a screen. The transducer may be placed over specific regions of your back to assess nearby structures, such as muscles, tendons, or the kidneys in cases where pain may be referred from other organs.


Ultrasound can help in evaluating soft tissues, identifying herniated discs, guiding certain injection procedures, and assessing the health of structures like the kidneys or blood vessels in the back. It is a safe, non-invasive, and radiation-free imaging modality that can provide real-time feedback during diagnostic or therapeutic interventions.

In conclusion, diagnosing the cause of back pain involves a comprehensive evaluation, including a physical examination, imaging tests, laboratory tests, nerve conduction studies, and other specialized procedures. Each diagnostic modality serves a unique purpose in identifying the underlying issues contributing to your back pain, guiding appropriate treatment plans, and determining the overall management of your condition. By working closely with your healthcare provider and undergoing these diagnostic tests, you can better understand the cause of your back pain and receive the most effective treatment tailored to your individual needs.

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